About Arrival

VRMA Arrival - The Official Content Source of VRMA

In addition to Arrival magazine, members have access to the Arrival online content hub. This desktop- and mobile-friendly hub offers access to timely and relevant news and trends for the vacation rental management community and vendor/partner community.

Interested in Contributing?

VRMA Arrival is an important means to share best practices, create dialogue among members, and advance our profession. As a VRMA member or industry professional, you are invited to provide an informative, engaging article about your experience. This is a great way to showcase your expertise and share your insights and success stories with other members and industry leaders.


  • General word count is between 700 and 1,200 words per post.
  • Provide a suggested headline in bold font at the top of your post.
  • All content inquiries and submissions must be educational and speak to an audience of vacation rental managers and professionals.
  • Content submitted by vendors should be educational—not promotional.
  • Submissions should be in a Word doc attached to an email—no PDFs or email body text.
  • Authors are encouraged to submit graphs, charts, sample forms, photos, or video links to add clarity to an article, as appropriate.
  • Content from contributors must be original. Authors should include complete references when discussing particular concepts, principles, or statistics
  • Along with full blog text, authors must submit a brief biography and headshot.
  • The VRMA content team reserves the right to select and edit content that is deemed appropriate for our audience.

If you would like to submit content for the site, please email Alexa Schlosser at aschlosser@vrma.org with the required materials, as stated above.

Interested in Advertising?

Please contact Kevin McDonnell at kmcdonnell@vrma.org or 202-367-1259, or view our online prospectus.